Ink Review: Noodler's Army Green
Noodler's Army Green
Pen: Lamy Al-Star EF
Paper: Rhodia Dotpad 80gsm
Shading: moderate to high
Saturation: medium
Flow: moderate
Dry Time: 11 seconds
Apparently I'm on an olive green kick these days, because I've been using Diamine Safari, Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrun, and Noodler's Army Green. I love all three inks, though I think I will still always return to Alt-Goldgrun as my favorite olive green. Army Green is still an awesome ink.
You may remember when Nathan Tardiff changed the color of Army Green to be a more kelly green color after some customer suggestion/complaints. Brian Goulet put out a video soliciting feedback on the new color. Like most people, I liked the old color better, and luckily enough people agreed that Nathan ultimately changed the color back.
Army Green is a very well-behaved ink that does not feather or bleed. It has a good amount of shading, even with an EF nib, and flows well like most other Noodler's inks. It's not as highly saturated as some of the other Noodler's inks, but it's not muted by any stretch. Dry time was 11 seconds, so not short, but not terrible either. Still may not be idea for some left handed writers, especially on ink resistant paper. All in all, a great ink with a unique color!
If you're interested in a bottle, you can pick one up from Goulet or a similar retailer for $12.50.