New Blog!

Welcome to my latest adventure, The Desk of Lori!  I have recently picked up my old fountain pen habit from my middle school and high school years, and I have gone full bore on it for sure.  In a span of a few months I have acquired a few pens, and tons of ink and it has sparked a lot of creativity in me.  Inspiration from blogs like Ink Nouveau, The Pen Addict, Well Appointed Desk and Ed Jelley coupled with my love of writing has prompted me to start my own blog.  Starting a blog has always been something I've wanted to do, but I never felt I had anything interesting to say that would draw in readers.  This "habit" or love of fountain pens and inks has definitely changed that.  My vision for the site is to review pens, ink and paper and possibly other geeky tools and items that pen collectors like myself love.  Of course I'm always open to other suggestions as well!

I will probably start slowly at first, get my feet wet and get a good review format down.  I plan on sharing my history with pens and how I became a pen geek.  In the next few days I'll probably start a Twitter account for the blog as well.  I'm excited to get started!